Coming Alive

Inspiring others to use their voice to change the World

Archive for the month “May, 2012”

Random Thoughts While Driving 6.5 Hours Alone in the Car

Yesterday I was able to hit the road solo.  My husband cleaned up his car for me to drive and took the day off to shuttle the kids to and from school.  I had my tea, GPS, and music.  I was all set for the drive—time to organize my thoughts and reflect on the direction my life is taking me.  What I found was not an organized list, but rather a smash-up of many things.  Welcome to the World of my random thoughts…….


*)  The wildflowers along I-40 from Wilmington to Greensboro bring me joy.  They remind me so much of my wedding bouquet from 17 years ago.  That was a good day!

*)  The Women and Men of the United Way of Greensboro are doing some incredible work to promote community resources that advance family issues.  Attending their Women in Philanthropy event left me inspired.  It is always uplifting to travel other places and see individuals coming together to do good.

*) Everyone needs to buy a copy of The Beauty of Different by Karen Walrond to be reminded of their superpowers and how they can use them for good.

*)  I wonder how iTunes determines the genius list.  It just does not seem right that Erotic City by Prince would be followed by the Phineas and Ferb theme song.

*)  Our tour guide at the International Civil Rights Center & Museum radiated passion.  To be standing in the room of the lunch counter sit-in was a little surreal.  We need to fill ourselves with the courage from these men and women to continue being a voice for social justice for everyone everywhere!!

*)  I love meeting remarkable woman.  Confidence and poise are words to describe Valda Boyd Ford.  I look forward to connecting again with her.

*)  It is time to take my life menu (bucket list) out of my head and put it on paper.  I would like to take singing lessons—my kids would agree.  I want to add piano lessons to that too and visiting San Francisco, New York, Australia, France, Spain, Italy, Greece…..ok I need to share these thoughts in a different post on a different day!!

*)  We need to start dropping more Love Bombs to change the World.


To wrap up and be honest, there were MANY more thoughts that went through my head on this trip and are continuing today.  I feel like I am “coming alive” at lightning pace.  But the thought I want you to hold with you came from Karen’s dad:

“The World is a small place.  You have to help where you can.”

We all have superpowers and the ability to come alive.  Find your power, find you voice, and use it to help where you can.

Peace and love,


Not What I Was Expecting: A Family Full of Bloggers

Not What I Was Expecting:

A Family Full of Bloggers!!!

            A few weeks ago I attended the Mom 2.0 Summit in Miami—my first ever social media conference.  It was time I learned about the online world I had found myself in since visiting Kenya with the ONE Moms last July.  Yes, I left there with a clearer understanding of the inner workings of this dynamic field, but more importantly I walked away with an awakened sense of my own self-confidence.  Again, it was another “coming alive” moment.  What I didn’t expect to happen was to come home to a family full of bloggers!

            While listening to Brene Brown during her keynote address at the conference I wrote big across my paper: “We cannot give our kids what we don’t have”.  Over the last several years (probably more than several) I have struggled to find my purpose outside of motherhood.  It is now becoming apparent to me more and more everyday—and it’s obvious by what I am witnessing in my family.  I came home from Miami to my husband more inspired than I have seen him in years to start writing again, a daughter with an incredible idea for a blog, a son working through struggles of being a teenage boy and wanting to write about it so that it might help others, and a son that the World better watch out for—I am not sure it is ready for his copious ways!!! 

Needless to say, I am SUPER impressed, empowered, moved, elated, and proud of each one of them and want to share their blogs here……… 

            Please be patient as we fine tune all of our sites, we will continue writing through the process.  Join us for our journey……….It should be a great ride!!

My husband, My forever friend

My youngest son (who gets tired of being last—so has his blog here first!), My sunshine

My middle son, My sage

My daughter, My inspiration

Too Late To Go Back To Sleep

Too Late To Go Back To Sleep


            Last weekend, my son and I went to see Wicked for his birthday—and yes, I am still “defying gravity”.  I was ready to stand up a sing, “It’s time to trust my instincts…..close my eyes and leap”.  Henry probably would have run from the theatre horrified, but it is how I am feeling these days!

So much is always going on in my head and I feel like I am always trying to sort it out, when I know that is never necessary.  There is no need to ask why all of these experiences are happening or what I am supposed “to do” with them.  My blog is called Coming Alive for a reason.  I know my voice has been in me all along and I have known what to do with it–for some reason I have just been sleeping.  Well not anymore! 

            This week I have freshened up my blog, added a few pages, and changed my twitter and email.  My design is a nifty template and still a work in progress; however I definitely know I am moving in the right direction.  I am especially excited about: What I Have to Offer and Shining Moments.  I would love for you to take a look and let me know what you think.

            As always I invite you to join me in this leap.  There is so much that can be accomplished when we do it together.  It is too late for us to go back to sleep.  We have a World that needs some changing!!

With peace and gratitude,


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