Coming Alive

Inspiring others to use their voice to change the World

Archive for the month “July, 2013”

Question 8: What is the Purpose of Art?

My daughter has really inspired me to reconnect this summer by revisiting her blog, The Neverland Effect. She is delving into more of the questions from Rain Wilson’s book, Soul Pancake, encouraging readers to join her in the conversation. If this isn’t a “Coming Alive” moment then I am not sure what is!

Neverland Effect

Art. What a broad term. For many, the term art refers to mostly to paintings, sculptures, and sometimes collages. But for me personally, art can refer to both visual and performance arts. What do I mean? Visual arts are what people typically describe as art; that is anything that you make with your hands. Some commonly overlooked visual arts include printmaking, sewing, and photography. On the other end you have performance art; that could be theater, spoken word, singing, or dancing. Why am I describing this? Well for one, I am a performer; so in order to talk about art I like to make sure it includes performing. But I also feel that in order to describe the purpose of art, you need to make sure that you are aware of what art is. 

To me art has many purposes; one of the most prominent is to express. All art…

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